Imraana Varcie
How to look stylish with the right type of jewellery?
Have you ever dreamed of looking more stylish & turning heads at a party by just merely walking into a room full of people? Well then you have surely come to the right place!
So what is it about someone that makes us look at them with awe & admiration? Well,according to me it’s their personal sense of style & an air of confidence about them that makes heads turn! So now we come to the question- how can we create this persona of style, charm & confidence?There are a lot of elements that go into creating this, such as clothes, jewellery,accessories & a personality that exudes confidence!
Let us look at how we can use jewelry to enhance our look! Pearl jewelry is one of the best ways that you can make a classy,elegant & a powerful statement about WHO you are!
Fashion is WHAT you buy & Style is WHAT you do with it.
You can buy items of the latest fashion but HOW you wear it in your own unique way will make the ultimate difference in how the world perceives your sense of style!
Below are a few tips to help you choose the right kind of pearl jewelry that you should be wearing that will match your personality perfectly.
1. Standard strand of pearls
This is the type of pearl jewelry that you can wear with any kind of outfit. But would look especially nice when worn by women who have a very professional workaholic personality. Such strands should measure no more than 16 inches in length.
2. Pearl pendant
Like a traditional strand of pearls, a pearl pendant can be worn with just about any outfit in your wardrobe. It is best if you are the casual type you keep things simple and team your pearl pendant with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or a blouse. For those wanting to make more of a statement, they could always team theirs for a night out with an LBD (little black dress) and a pair of matching drop pearl earrings.
3. Pearls With Diamonds
This is the kind of jewelry that women who like to make a statement or get noticed tend to love wearing. They also tend to like to make sure that the jewelry includes large or coloured pearls in the design. For such women, a beautiful pearl ring comprising a pink pearl surrounded by small diamonds would be the perfect piece of pearl jewelry to wear.
4. Coloured Pearls
One woman who favours the wearing of coloured pearls at this time is the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Never is she seen without wearing her trademark black Tahitian pearls. If you are someone who loves to stand out or wants to look a little different then a single strand of black Tahitian pearls teamed with a matching pair of stud or drop Black Tahitian pearl earrings is right for you.
5. Very Long Pearl Strand
This is the kind of pearl jewelry that was a favourite with Coco Chanel. The great thing about such jewelry is that you have the opportunity to make it look different if you wish. Rather than wearing the strand as they would normally wear it, you can choose to wrap it around your neck twice to create a choker like necklace instead.
You need not stick with wearing a long strand of white pearls, if you want you can be a little more daring and opt for a very long strand of pearls made up of pink, cream or even lavender coloured pearls. As you can see from above when it comes to the question “what does wearing pearls say about you?” There are quite a few things to consider. Yet you are sure to be able to find some pearl jewelry that will suit you perfectly.